Possessive adjectives in Italian - Gli aggettivi possessivi in italiano

We are going to talk about possessive adjectives in Italian. Possessive adjectives are words that tell us who owns something. In Italian, possessive adjectives change depending on the person (io, tu, lui/lei, noi, voi, loro) and the gender and number of the noun they refer to. When to use possessive adjectives 1. With articles : possessive adjectives usually take the definite article . For example Il mio libro La mia penna 2. Exceptions for family members : - Singular: We do not use the article with family members in the singular unless there is an adjective after the noun. For example Lei è mia sorella (she is my sister) Lei è la mia sorella preferita (she is my favourite sister) - Plural : When we refer to family members in the plural , we must use the article . For example I miei fratelli Le nostre sorelle 3. Loro (they): 'loro' always takes the article, whether singular or plural. For example: La loro casa (their house). Le loro...