
Showing posts with the label language family

The three families of verbs in Italian - Le tre famiglie di verbi in italiano

In this lesson we'll look at a basic aspect of Italian grammar: the three verb families. Known as -are, -ere and -ire verbs, these families are the building blocks of Italian verbs and serve as the basis for constructing sentences and expressing ideas. Understanding how each family works and how the verbs within it are conjugated is essential to speaking and writing Italian with confidence and accuracy. Whether you're just starting out or want to deepen your knowledge, mastering these verb families will greatly enhance your ability to communicate in Italian. Let's dive into the world of Italian verbs and discover how you can make your language skills even more solid and natural. 1. The three verb families In Italian, verbs are divided into three main families. These are defined by the ending of the infinitive of the verb (verbo infinito), i.e. the basic form of the verb (the one we find in the dictionary). Here they are: First conjugation - verbs in -ARE This is the most c...

Languages spoken in Italy - Lingue parlate in Italia

How many languages are spoken in Italy? Italy is a country rich in linguistic diversity, with numerous languages and dialects spoken throughout its territory. This richness reflects the country's complex cultural history. Let us have a look at how many languages are spoken in Italy and what language families they belong to.