
Showing posts with the label italian pronunciation

Numbers from 0 to 100 - I numeri da 0 a 100

Discover Italian numbers from 0 to 100 You need numbers to count, tell your age, tell the time and much more. But don't worry, with a few tricks and a little practice, you'll be able to remember them in no time! In this lesson I will show you how to memorise numbers from 0 to 100, highlight irregular numbers and explain the rules for forming two-digit numbers. Numbers from 0 to 10: the foundation We start with the numbers 0 to 10, which you must learn by heart because they are the basis for all other numbers: 0 - zero 1 - uno 2 - due 3 - tre 4 - quattro 5 - cinque 6 - sei 7 - sette 8 - otto 9 - nove 10 - dieci Numbers 11 to 19: beware of irregulars Numbers 11 to 19 do not follow any particular rule and are therefore considered 'irregular'.  You will notice that from number 11 to 16 they end in '-dici' and from number 17 to 19 they begin with 'dici-'.  There is no fixed rule, so repeat them often to memorise them! 11 - un dici 12 - do dici 13...

The 7 pronunciations of the 5 Italian vowels - Le 7 pronunce delle 5 vocali italiane

In this lesson we'll look at an essential aspect of the Italian language: vowel pronunciation. Although Italian only has five vowels (A, E, I, O, U), there are actually seven different vowel sounds. Mastering these sounds is the key to speaking and understanding Italian clearly and effectively. Let's see how you can perfect your pronunciation and make your Italian sound even more natural! The Italian vowels and their sounds To pronounce Italian vowels correctly, it is important to know how to position the mouth, tongue and lips . These elements play a key role in producing the clear and distinct sounds of Italian vowels.  We will now look in detail at how these parts of our vocal apparatus need to move and position themselves to achieve the correct pronunciation of each vowel. By following these guidelines, you will be able to improve your pronunciation and speak with greater fluency and accuracy.