
Showing posts with the label gender concordance

How to use gender and number concordance in Italian - La concordanza di genere e numero in italiano

If you are just starting to learn Italian, you have probably noticed that in this language words must 'go together'. This is called concordance, and it is a fundamental aspect of Italian grammar.  Concordance is the connection between words such as articles, adjectives and nouns, which must match in gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural). If it seems a bit complicated at first, don't worry! With a little practice and attention, you will be able to master it. In this article, I will take you step-by-step through how concordance works, using clear and simple examples. This is the perfect opportunity to improve your Italian and start building correct sentences right from the start. So let's roll up our sleeves and see how it works! 1. Gender Concordance In Italian, nouns and adjectives can be masculine or feminine . For example: Il gatto è nero .  The noun ‘ gatto ’ is masculine, so the adjective ‘ nero ’ must also be masculine. La casa è bella . T...