
Showing posts with the label conoscere

Difference between 'CONOSCERE' and 'SAPERE' (TO KNOW)

When learning Italian, one of the most common doubts is the difference between the verbs 'conoscere' and 'sapere'. These two verbs, although they can be translated as 'to know' in English, are used in different contexts and with different meanings. Understanding the difference between 'conoscere' and 'sapere' will not only help you avoid common mistakes, but will also allow you to express yourself more accurately and naturally. Let's look at the main differences between the two verbs and the contexts in which they are used. SAPERE ' Sapere ' indicates: Practical or theoretical knowledge. For example:  So suonare il piano . (I know how to play the piano.) 'Sapere' is followed by an infinitive to express a learned skill or a competence developed over time. ' Sapere ' is also used for specific information. For example: Sai che ore sono?  (Do you know what time it is?) Here 'sapere' is used to ask for or indicat...