Italian word accent - L'accento delle parole in italiano

In Italian, the accent, or tonic syllable, is an essential element for correct pronunciation. The accent determines which syllable within the word should be pronounced more strongly. This can change the meaning of similar words, making the position of the accent an important aspect to master. Why do we say 'ultima', 'penultima' and 'terzultima sillaba'? In Italian, the terminology used to identify the position of the accent is based on a specific order, always starting with the last syllable. This makes it possible to identify the accented syllable and avoid confusion. When identifying the syllable on which the accent falls, we always start with the last syllable of the word: Ultima : the last syllable. Penultima (second-to-last syllable): the second syllable from the end. Terzultima (third-to-last syllable): the third syllable from the end. Speaking of the position of the accent, saying ' last ' (ultima) or ' second-to-last syllable ' (penu...