
Showing posts with the label Italian language tips

Numbers from 0 to 100 - I numeri da 0 a 100

Discover Italian numbers from 0 to 100 You need numbers to count, tell your age, tell the time and much more. But don't worry, with a few tricks and a little practice, you'll be able to remember them in no time! In this lesson I will show you how to memorise numbers from 0 to 100, highlight irregular numbers and explain the rules for forming two-digit numbers. Numbers from 0 to 10: the foundation We start with the numbers 0 to 10, which you must learn by heart because they are the basis for all other numbers: 0 - zero 1 - uno 2 - due 3 - tre 4 - quattro 5 - cinque 6 - sei 7 - sette 8 - otto 9 - nove 10 - dieci Numbers 11 to 19: beware of irregulars Numbers 11 to 19 do not follow any particular rule and are therefore considered 'irregular'.  You will notice that from number 11 to 16 they end in '-dici' and from number 17 to 19 they begin with 'dici-'.  There is no fixed rule, so repeat them often to memorise them! 11 - un dici 12 - do dici 13...

The three families of verbs in Italian - Le tre famiglie di verbi in italiano

In this lesson we'll look at a basic aspect of Italian grammar: the three verb families. Known as -are, -ere and -ire verbs, these families are the building blocks of Italian verbs and serve as the basis for constructing sentences and expressing ideas. Understanding how each family works and how the verbs within it are conjugated is essential to speaking and writing Italian with confidence and accuracy. Whether you're just starting out or want to deepen your knowledge, mastering these verb families will greatly enhance your ability to communicate in Italian. Let's dive into the world of Italian verbs and discover how you can make your language skills even more solid and natural. 1. The three verb families In Italian, verbs are divided into three main families. These are defined by the ending of the infinitive of the verb (verbo infinito), i.e. the basic form of the verb (the one we find in the dictionary). Here they are: First conjugation - verbs in -ARE This is the most c...

Personal subject pronouns in Italian - Pronomi personali soggetto in italiano

In Italian, subject personal pronouns are an important part of the grammar, helping us to identify who is doing what. They allow us to clarify the subject of a sentence, emphasise certain contrasts or make our speech more fluid and precise.  Unlike English, Italian often omits subject pronouns because the verb conjugation already indicates who the subject is. However, understanding when and how to use these pronouns is essential for effective communication - especially when you need to emphasise or differentiate between subjects.  In this article we'll explore the subject pronouns in Italian, learning how they are used in different contexts and discovering some interesting regional and stylistic variations. What are subject personal pronouns? In Italian, subject personal pronouns are: First person singular (prima persona singolare): io Second person singular (seconda persona singolare): tu Third person singular (terza persona singolare): lui, lei , ( esso, essa ) First person...