Indefinite articles in Italian - Gli articoli indeterminativi in italiano

Indefinite articles in Italian are used to indicate a generic, non-specific element and vary according to the gender of the noun they follow. They can precede either a noun or an adjective, and their forms change depending on whether the noun is masculine or feminine. The indefinite articles in Italian are UN , UNO for the masculine and UNA , UN' for the feminine. Each form is used in specific contexts according to the word that follows it. Italian indefinite articles follow similar rules to definite articles in the singular. Masculine indefinite articles UN is used in front of masculine words that begin with a vowel or consonant (except for special consonants that require ‘uno’ ). For examples: un c avallo (like il cavallo ) un u omo (like l’uomo ) UNO is used in front of masculine words beginning with ( See definite articles article ): s + consonant → e.g. uno studente z → e.g. uno zaino ps → e.g. uno psicologo gn → e.g...