Daily routines and reflexive verbs
Every day we perform many everyday actions: we wake up, wash, dress, eat, work and go to sleep. But how do we describe these actions in Italian? Let's see together how to describe our day, step by step, using verbs that express actions do"on ourselves". Reflexive verbs and daily actions Many daily actions use reflexive verbs , which indicate an action that falls on the person who is doing it. For example: Svegliarsi (to wake up) → Io mi sveglio alle 7:00. (I wake up at 7 a.m.) Alzarsi (to get up) → Tu ti alzi presto? (Do you get up early?) Lavarsi (to wash oneself) → Lui si lava le mani prima di mangiare. (He washes his hands before eating) Vestirsi (to get dressed) → Noi ci vestiamo velocemente. (We get dressed quickly) Rilassarsi (to relax) → Voi vi rilassate la sera? (Do you relax in the evening?) Addormentarsi (to fall asleep) → Loro si addormentano tardi. (They fall asleep late) In Italian, we use reflexive verbs to describe many actions in our daily lives. Th...