Benvenuti sul mio blog di italiano! - Welcome to my Italian blog!
Benvenuti a tutti!
Se hai appena iniziato a esplorare la lingua italiana o hai già mosso i primi passi, sei nel posto giusto.
L’idea è quella di offrire un supporto a chi desidera imparare l’italiano in autonomia, senza sentirsi sopraffatto dalle difficoltà linguistiche iniziali. Proponendo il blog in inglese, voglio rendere più accessibili concetti che potrebbero sembrare complessi a chi è ancora alle prese con i primi passi.
Ho creato questo blog per dare a tutti la possibilità di avvicinarsi all'italiano in modo graduale, mettendo a disposizione la mia esperienza e gli input ricevuti dagli studenti in questi ultimi anni.
I miei corsi online sono un'opportunità perfetta per immergersi completamente nella lingua e nella cultura italiana. E se siete interessati a iniziare questo percorso con me, non esitate a contattarmi. Sarò felice di aiutarvi a intraprendere questo bellissimo viaggio nel mondo della lingua e della cultura italiana.
Silvana, your Italian instructor 😊
Welcome everyone!
If you are just starting to explore the Italian language or have already taken your first steps, you have come to the right place. You may be wondering why the content of my blog is written in English, given that this is a blog dedicated to learning Italian. The answer is simple and stems from the need to provide a safe starting point for those who are just starting out. My target audience are absolute beginners (A0) or those who have just started their journey in the Italian language (A1). The idea is to offer support to those who wish to learn Italian autonomously, without feeling overwhelmed by the initial linguistic difficulties, and by offering the blog in English, I want to make concepts that may seem complex more accessible to those who are still struggling with their first steps.
The use of English here helps those who are not yet familiar with Italian to easily follow the concepts and feel comfortable while exploring new terms.
I have created this blog to give everyone the opportunity to approach Italian in a gradual way, by sharing my experience and the input I have received from students over the years.
However, if you want a more direct and immersive experience, in my online lessons Italian is the protagonist language right from the start.
My online courses are a perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in the Italian language and culture. And if you are interested in starting this journey with me, do not hesitate to contact me. I will be happy to help you embark on this wonderful journey into the world of Italian language and culture.
Silvana, your Italian instructor 😊