Personal subject pronouns in Italian - Pronomi personali soggetto in italiano

In Italian, subject personal pronouns are an important part of the grammar, helping us to identify who is doing what. They allow us to clarify the subject of a sentence, emphasise certain contrasts or make our speech more fluid and precise. Unlike English, Italian often omits subject pronouns because the verb conjugation already indicates who the subject is. However, understanding when and how to use these pronouns is essential for effective communication - especially when you need to emphasise or differentiate between subjects. In this article we'll explore the subject pronouns in Italian, learning how they are used in different contexts and discovering some interesting regional and stylistic variations.

What are subject personal pronouns?

In Italian, subject personal pronouns are:

First person singular (prima persona singolare): io

Second person singular (seconda persona singolare): tu

Third person singular (terza persona singolare): lui, lei, (esso, essa)

First person plural (prima persona plurale): noi

Second person plural (seconda persona plurale): voi

Third person plural (terza persona plurale): loro, (essi, esse)

Note: 'esso, essa' and 'essi, esse' are rarely used in everyday spoken language; they are more common in writing or when referring to objects or animals.

How and when are they used?

1. To make the subject clear

Personal subject pronouns indicate who is doing the action. It is a simple and direct way of clarifying who the protagonist of the sentence is:


Io vado al mercato - I'm going to the market.

Tu hai finito i compiti? - Have you finished your homework?

2. Omit the pronoun:

A peculiarity of Italian is that we can often omit the subject personal pronoun. The conjugated verb already tells us who performs the action, so we can say:


Mangio instead of "io mangio".

The pronoun is used to emphasise or clarify, especially when there are several subjects involved:


Io studio, tu guardi la TV - I study, you watch TV.

3. Emphasise or contrast:

When we want to emphasise who is doing what, the pronoun is imperative. The pronoun is used to emphasise or clarify, especially when there are several subjects involved:


Io studio, tu guardi la TV - I study, you watch TV.

Io lavoro duro, lui si rilassa tutto il giorno - I work hard, he relaxes all day.

Subject personal pronouns (io, tu, lui, lei, noi, voi, loro) are key in the Italian language because they allow us to avoid repetitions when speaking or writing. How and when are Italian pronouns used?

Something interesting to know

  • In some regions of Italy, especially in the South, one can still hear pronouns such as 'egli' or 'ella' to refer to the third person singular (lui, lei), but they are now considered rather formal or even outdated.
  • Although "esso/essa" and "essi/esse" are correct, today it is often preferred to use "lui/lei" and "loro" even when referring to things or animals.

To conclude

Personal subject pronouns are flexible means that help us speak more fluently and naturally. Knowing when to use them (and when to omit them) will allow you to express yourself with greater precision and sharpness in Italian. 

Next time you speak or write, try playing around with these pronouns: you'll see how much they can change the tone and clarity of your sentences!

Have a good time studying the Italian language!

Learning Italian on your own requires commitment and dedication, but with the right strategies and resources, you can achieve your goal. Remember to have fun during the process and celebrate every little bit of progress. Enjoy your journey towards learning Italian!

If you would like to expand on any of the concepts or would like to speak to a native speaker teacher qualified in teaching Italian to foreigners, please contact me at I will be happy to meet you and guide you in a one-to-one online session. Happy learning!

If you have any questions or would like to share your learning experience, please leave a comment below. I'm curious to know how you are progressing on your language journey!

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